Yoga for a Better Run


How many fellow runners out there are also yogis?! This year, I’ve been trying to make yoga a more daily practice. Instead of heading to a class every week (and going broke!) I’ve been trying to have a more mindful practice at home. I was hesitant at first. I’ve never had trouble checking in on some of my favorite YouTube fitness gurus, but yoga at home seemed… boring? After my first at-home yoga session I felt incredible! I’ve never felt so fully at peace.

Continue reading “Yoga for a Better Run”

Hey, there! I’m Back!

WOW. October was the last time I wrote. Let’s see… since October I’ve…. COMPLETED GRAD SCHOOL AND LANDED A FULL-TIME PROFESSIONAL JOB. I hope those are reasonable excuses for NOT having posted in nearly 5 months, but I am sincerely going to make an effort to keep up with this. My career largely entails writing, which is why I started this blog, right? To write. To practice and hone my writing skills. And simply, to delve deeper into my passion of fitness and… wait for it… food.

Ouch. Did I just admit to that?

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Continue reading “Hey, there! I’m Back!”